It was a chilly morning, off to a favorite town, Gettysburg. Our children love going to this historic spot. We were running late on our way to the Apple Country Rabbit Show. This is a fairly local show for us. I think that was our downfall! We were a little too lax since we didn’t have a 3 or 4 hour drive ahead of us.
To be fair, we had a busy week. My husband had surgery. I was dealing with disability paperwork for him and had a lot of irons in the fire. We also went out one evening of the weekend to one of our favorite spots, Shady Maple Smorgasbord. It was good for the family to get out.
Friday afternoon and evening timing had not worked out at all like we had hoped, but we made it work anyway. Saturday, we brought one junior in who still needed his tattoo in his ear.
We got that done and it was really good that we did, since he made quite a stir for us by beating his grandfather on the show table.
Show A

Inch’s Ruger took Best of Breed youth show A under Judge Robert Frizzel. Inch’s Gizmo was Best Senior Black Otter Buck which is Ruger’s grandfather.
What a blessing after a long, stressful, exhausting week or so.
Our daughter has made some great friendships through showing rabbits. Like anything (baseball comes to mind) you have super competitive people who can make things hard and awkward, but for the most part, the people involved in showing rabbits are good people who are helpful and encouraging. She has been thrilled by people she has admired and looked up to becoming friends and mentors.
Off to the truck between shows for a quick bite. Tuna Salad, yum. Sometimes we support the club if the food is a fundraiser for them and it looks good. Horsy boy was expensive this summer with several vet bills so we have been trying to conserve funds. If we aren’t sure what the food status will be, we pack to be sure because a grumbling belly or a pounding headache due to a lack of food makes us hangry and puts us all in a bad mood and nobody needs that! Better safe than sorry!
Show B
So, after a quick bite, drink, potty, and chit-chat break with rabbit & 4H friends, back to watching other breeds show. Then onto show B.

So, show B she had a Best of Breed with her Smoke Pearl Marten doe, Inch’s Willow. And Best Opposite of Breed with her buck, Inch’s Apache under Judge Mike Ross.
This girl works extremely hard. She loves to show her own bred and raised rabbits which all of these were. Her best friend was along for their weekend so we had a ton of fun.
Picture opportunities
These setups are so cute for taking pics of your rabbits. My bad for cutting off all the beautiful fall decor they had set up. But a huge thank you to whoever sets them up at shows.

If you would like to see what rabbits we have available – you can go to our main website:
This show was on November 7th, 2021. I’m running a little behind with blog posts. Life happens. Apple Country Rabbit Show in Gettysburg has always been one of our family’s favorite shows to attend.
Well, those are the results, thanks for reading.
What information would be helpful to you? Maybe we can write some blog posts that would help you out. Comment below and we will see what we can do!