This is the sign up page for volunteering at the York State Fair Rabbit and Poultry building.

There still is no poultry this year. They are allowing the York County 4-H Poultry Club to show their Meat Turkeys and Meat Chickens. They are also allowing eggs. They will come in on Thursday and they go to auction on Friday evening.

Please encourage your children to participate in the youth contests. This is something that was requested a couple of years ago and one of the reasons I accepted the rabbit superintendent at the York State Fair. Right now, We have Showmanship, Rabbit Hopping, Posters and new this year is Breed ID. We are hoping to add some new ones each year. The more participation they see – obviously, the easier it is to get them to want to continue and expand these items.

If your children are showing Rabbit Meat Pens this year, please remember that if you bred your does and had 15 babies, you can show some of the ones you aren’t using for your meat pen. They can be entered in the regular show as “fryers”. They will not get sold at the auction – so you will need to pick them up on check-out night. If you have meat pen questions – please contact Tabatha Rogers.

All of the official fair rules are in the fair catalog at

There is a lot of information in the catalog that can be very confusing. The entries go into the fair office and then I process all entries through the ARBA rabbit show software, so I see the entries and you will receive check-in sheets before the beginning of the fair after entries close.

If you have questions – please bring them to the June 4-H Rabbit Club Meeting. If you need a rabbit tattooed for fair entry – I will bring the tattoo guns to the June club meeting.

At the June meeting, we will bring the hopping equipment if anyone is interested in trying this out with their bunny. I do not have extra harnesses, so please have one for your rabbit. Please reply to the email – if there isn’t any interest, I’m not going to bring the jumps and set them up.

Also at the June meeting, we are planning on having stations that we will rotate. One will be showmanship – come ready to practice showmanship and receive pointers from a well-practiced showman.

Another station will be breed ID.

And the last station will be posters. If you have craft supplies, you can bring them along to share or use. We will have some past posters to give you ideas. Please do not plagiarize on your poster. The official rules are in the show catalog for the York State Fair.

Please, let us know your interest in each of these categories ASAP if you plan to attend the June meeting, so we can plan appropriately with showmanship sheets, breed ID sheets and posterboard.

York State Fair Volunteer Sign up

Event Chair: Julie Inch


Homeschool mom for 20+ years, Rabbit Show Mom for 16+ years, lover of Jesus Christ, and So MUCH more!!

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