ARBA convention in October 2021 was our first ARBA, so here is to another first – Dwarf Nationals in Columbus, Ohio.
Our daughter was signed up in 2020 when Dwarf Nationals were supposed to be in Knoxville, Tennesee (I think!). I’m sure I will get corrected on that if I am wrong! And then Covid and it was canceled. She was highly disappointed about that.
She remembers visiting an ANDRC Dwarf National when there was one in Lancaster back in 2016. We went there to get some shaded bunnies for her to improve her shaded lines. And that feels like a million years ago – not 6 years!

Writing here needs to happen more often…
I definitely need to get back on here more regularly and write – if only there were more hours in the day. The learning curve was back as it has been a while and I’m learning more things – so keep checking back. An email list is coming soon.
If I ever figure out how to clone myself – I will be golden!
Posts should be happening at least weekly and one of these days I will work on making that happen. My latest debate with myself is how to post her show updates. I may have to go out of order even though the perfectionist and OCD in me will scream bloody murder!
We have a really hectic week coming up – 2 4H meetings and I also accidentally scheduled her homeschool evaluation for this week.
Our bunny tails may get worked to the bone this week to get cages cleaned before the weekend when we pull out heading for nationals. Arranging someone to come in to feed animals and the horse getting in and out!

Entries in! Let the fun begin. There are so many beautiful rabbits in youth across this country – she is just wanting to see how well they compete.
Anyway, the dishes, laundry, and packing are waiting for me to come to do them. Note to self – “research cloning!”
Before we head out, I will try to write a small article about this past weekend’s show!
And on that note:
Should you happen to be in the Pennsylvania/Maryland Area and are interested in getting fresh blood in your bloodlines or even getting a pet, you can check here to see what we have available right now.
If you are interested in joining the ANDRC – you can go here.
[…] here to read a little bit about dwarf nationals. Check back next week as there will probably be something […]